Redesigned flora worthy of a world-class facility
The Cincinnati Open is the nation's oldest professional tennis tournament played in its city of origin. It has been a Cincinnati fixture for over a century. First played in 1899 on the grounds of what today is Xavier University, the tournament has been proudly hosted by the Lindner Family Tennis Center since 1979. The list of champions reads like a who's who of tennis greats, with more than 100 notables in the International Tennis Hall of Fame having graced its courts.
Over the past decade, the Center has conducted a series of construction improvements—the beginning of a long-term facility improvement plan. Our part in the redesign originated with a request to assist in executing the planting plan. Upon closer inspection of the plan, our involvement expanded to creating a planting plan better suited for our local climate, and working in concert with the annual events held at the site. The final installation was completed per our specifications.